Empow’her, a French non-profit organisation, has recently launched a new study on women and social entrepreneurship in Europe. The survey aims to understand the difficulties faced by women social entrepreneurs and support their needs, while also mapping social entrepreneurship in Europe.
The organisation, Empow’her, was founded in 2011 to support and encourage women empowerment by strengthening female entrepreneurship. Throughout the years the organisation created training, coaching and networking programmes around the world to give women access to entrepreneurship. The survey focuses on social businesses which are defined as follows by the European Commission:” Enterprises for who the social or societal objective of the common good is the reason for the commercial activity, often in the form of a high level of social innovation.
Enterprises whose profits are mainly reinvested to achieve this social objective.
Enterprises where the method of organisation or the ownership system reflects the enterprise's mission, using democratic or participatory principles or focusing on social justice.”
If you are a woman social entrepreneur residing in one of the 28 EU countries, Lichtenstein, Norway, Switzerland or Iceland, please take a few minutes to answer the survey. Feel free to share this survey with your networks.