London and Stockholm are among the world’s top-five global cities for fostering high-potential women entrepreneurs, according to Dell Technologies. Other European cities including Paris, Amsterdam and Berlin have also been included in an annual ranking put together by Dell.
Dell’s 2017 Women Entrepreneur Cities Index ranks 50 cities across the world on their ability to attract and foster growth of women-owned businesses. Criteria includes impact of local policies, national laws and customs.
London and Stockholm did particularly well, having been ranked respectively as third and fifth best cities for women entrepreneurs.
The survey found Paris at 12th, Berlin at 21st and Copenhagen at 25th out of 50. Barcelona, Munich, Dublin, Warsaw and Milan are other European cities listed in Dell’s top 50 global cities for women entrepreneurs.
New York City, the San Francisco Bay Area, London, Boston and Stockholm are the top-five cities for high-potential women entrepreneurs, the study found.
According to Dell, when impediments to women entrepreneurship are removed, there’s a dramatic uplift in a city’s economic prospects.