The consultancy MOBIL of the employment promotion Göttingen in Germany (BFGoe) launched the online service WomActivity for women interested in starting or growing their business in the region. BFGoe offers access to information and free counselling, as well as networking opportunities at regional level.
Since 2018, the project WomActivity, funded by the EU and the state of Lower Saxony, offers free individual advice to start and expand the own business. WomActivity supports women and men on parental leave to plan and prepare the way into self-employment. Learn more about WomActivity and other support services that BFGoe organises, for example seminars on taxes, law, social security, accounting or marketing.
In addition, the team of BFGoe launched the website Gründerinnen in Südniedersachsen – female entrepreneurs in the south of Lower Saxony – which collects knowledge about entrepreneurship and highlights existing support opportunities. Women can benefit from information about upcoming events and a women entrepreneur’s database. They can can register, present their business and connect with other entrepreneurs.